Monday, May 3, 2010

Open House at Companion Animal Hospital

A couple of months ago I took Dr. Marcia Izo's picture with her two Golden Retrievers, Katie and Sally.  Dr. Izo is a vet at Companion Animal Hospital in Traverse City, MI.  A few weeks ago they called to ask if I would  participate in their Open House that was held this past Saturday.  I of course jumped at the chance to meet other animal lovers and introduce them to my pet photography.  One of my great loves.  

The open house was a great opportunity for current clients and new clients alike to come and meet the doctors and staff as well as tour their state of the art facility.  There were snacks, and LOTS of give aways.  I gave away a Pet Portrait session. 

I have been taking my animals there for years and have always been blown away by the care and attention they get.  Dr. Izo has helped our family through losing two elderly dogs and the staff was caring and positive in a very difficult situation.  I know that Roxy and Velma are very loved by the staff and Drs. there.  If you don't currently have a regular vet or just want to know that your animals are getting outstanding care by a loving, compassionate and knowledgeable staff please call or visit them today.

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